Current Biewer Puppy Travel Locations

Please have a look at the map below and connect with the puppy owners in our Facebook Group. If you are traveling to Colorado to pick up your puppy, please consider bringing a 2nd one home for a family in your area. You can share the airfare and your puppy will have the perfect company during the flight.




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Karen Hansen @Rocky Mountain Biewer Terriers

You can text me at (970)882-3299.


  1. Hi Karen
    I am going to get Zander,
    I live in Los Angeles area, what is the time for puppies arriving near me so I can share the flight.
    I don’t see the upcoming or future date on the schedule.
    Thank you

  2. Hi, I am very interested in your puppies. I live in Southwest FL. What is the time frame for puppies arriving near me so we can share flight
    Thank you

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