- Club name must include “United States”, “American”, or “of America”.
- Submit Photos for website on CD
- Submit contact information for website
- Submit registry or individual dogs
- Companion Events – automatic once one dog is recorded with a 3-generation pedigree
- If applicable submit request with historical reference for eligibility to compete in Performance Events please forward to fss@akc.org on club letterhead
Provide us with current club Membership List – supply annually
With full contact information – including mailing addresses, email address and phone numbers o Designations for breeders, exhibitors, dog owners, judges
Year joined club
Geographic distribution of members across the United States will be reviewed.
- Encourage competition in Companion Events and Performance Events if applicable
- Hold regular club meetings in accordance with club constitution and by-laws and Robert’s Rules of
Submit minutes of meetings for AKC files
Club meetings cannot be held via message boards
Hold board meetings in accordance with club constitution and by-laws and Robert’s Rules of Order o Submit minutes of meetings for AKC files
Club meetings cannot be held via message boards
- Provide AKC copies of the club newsletters and any other public columns. Many Clubs now send newsletters electronically
- Provide AKC with documentation of club events, these are to be AKC affiliated or independent:
Judge Education
Meet the Breeds
Responsible Dog Ownership Events o Etc.
Enroll dogs and litters from
If the dog is imported he/she will need to have DNA on file to be eligible to be bred.
Encourage members to join AKC All-Breed Club
** KEEP IN CONTACT WITH US** – send regular updates to fss@akc.org
Move to Miscellaneous
- A breed entering the Foundation Stock Service® based upon being an established breed in a foreign registry must have reached full FCI recognition to be eligible to request Miscellaneous Class status.
- Submit letter on club letterhead requesting Miscellaneous status
- Must have minimum 150 dogs with 3-generation pedigrees
- Parent club is selected
- Submit Breed Standard – approved by AKC Staff and Club membership
Including voting results & number of ballots sent
Send Hard and Soft Copies
- The Breed Standard has been revised in accordance with the AKC Breed Standard Guidelines.
- Submit a photo of breed minimum size 300 megapixels. This will be included in Miscellaneous BreedStandard pack.
- Provide approved breed history. History should be kept to two paragraphs.
- Let us know if your breed is a table/ramp breed on club letterhead
- Continue to compete in Companion Events and Performance Events if applicable
- Continue to enroll dogs and litters from said dogs
If the dog is imported he/she will need to have DNA on file with us. http://www.akc.org/dna/imported_breeding_stock.cfm
** KEEP IN CONTACT WITH US** – send regular updates to fss@akc.org
While in Miscellaneous to be Eligible to Request Full Recognition
- The minimum number of dogs enrolled in the AKC Foundation Stock Service is recommended to be 300-400 dogs with three generation pedigrees in the case of breeds that entered the Miscellaneous Class with a minimum of 150 dogs.
- The Club has conducted a minimum of two FSS Open Shows for Miscellaneous Class and FSS breeds. The Club may request to hold additional events geographically distributed throughout the country.
- A minimum of one year has elapsed since entering the Miscellaneous Class unless the breed has over 1,000 three generation dogs when entering the Miscellaneous Class, then the club may request full recognition after six months.
- Constitution and Bylaws will be reviewed by Club Relations.
- Submit Constitution and Bylaws – approved by Club Relations and Club membership
Including voting results & number of ballots sent
Send Hard and Soft Copies
- Submit documentation of election of officers in accordance with the Constitution and ByLawsincluding copies of ballots and results.
- Submit documentation of holding Annual Meetings and Board Meetings in accordance with the club constitution and ByLaws.
- Compete in Miscellaneous Class – number of dogs competing is tracked by AKC staff
Geographic distribution of dogs being shown
Minimum of 5 different dogs owned by Parent Club members earning a Certificate of Merit.
The membership of the club is a minimum of 100 households, geographically distributed throughout the
country with flexibility based upon number of dogs enrolled. Last updated 8/3/2016
Provide us with Parent Club activities and documentation of participants:
Judge Education
Meet the Breeds
Responsible Dog Ownership Events o Etc.
** KEEP IN CONTACT WITH US** – send regular updates to fss@akc.org
Move to Full AKC Status
- Submit letter on club letterhead requesting full AKC status
- Provide us with the name of Judges Education Coordinator
- Any dogs without 3-generation pedigrees will not convert to full AKC Status. These dogs will remain in and not be eligible for AKC conformation classes.
The dogs remaining in FSS may continue to compete in Companion and Performance events.
The dogs remaining in FSS may be used for breeding stock.
How to form and AKC Accredited Dog Club – http://www.akc.org/pdfs/rulebooks/RCFORM.pdf
Match Regulations – http://www.akc.org/pdfs/rulebooks/RESANC.pdf
Sample Constitution and By-Laws – http://www.akc.org/pdfs/rulebooks/RCLA01.pdf
Guidelines for Writing Breed Standards – http://www.akc.org/pdfs/breeds/guidelines_breed_standards.pdf
Special Registry Services – Foreign dogs – http://www.akc.org/pdfs/rulebooks/GASPEC.pdf
Guidelines for Resolving Dog Club Issues – http://www.akc.org/pdfs/GCGDE1.pdf
Rules Applying to Registration and Discipline – http://www.akc.org/pdfs/rulebooks/RREGS4.pdf
Rules Applying to Dog Shows – http://www.akc.org/pdfs/rulebooks/RREGS3.pdf